In Exchange 2010, the location of the queue database and queue database transaction logs are controlled by the QueueDatabasePath and QueueDatabaseLoggingPathparameters in the EdgeTransport.exe.config application configuration file. This file is located in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Bin directory.
To change the location of the queue database and queue database transaction logs, simple open this file in Notepad and locate the following values under <
<add key="QueueDatabasePath" value="<LocalPath>" />
<add key="QueueDatabaseLoggingPath" value="<LocalPath>" />
Change these paths to match your requirements and save the file.
Restart the Microsoft Exchange Transport service for these changes to take effect. Once restarted, you should notice that new Mail.que and Trn.chk files are created at the newQueueDatabasePath location and new Trn.log, Trntmp.log, Trnres00001.jrs, Trnres00002.jrs, and Temp.edb files at the new QueueDatabaseLoggingPath location.
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